To unlock the power of cryptography for the non-cryptographer.
1. Quality
Our top priority is quality. We strive for nothing less than the highest standards.
2. Simplicity
Cryptography is hard, getting it right is even harder. That is why we write in plain, easy-to-understand language. If there is ever anything you don’t understand or you have a question, please let us know. All you have to do is submit a new issue here. Just type in a Title
, fill out the rest of the form, then click the Submit new issue
3. Actionable Takeaways
Ultimately, when you use this website, you should expect to get answers and take action quickly. Our passion is to equip you with straightforward instructions about your topic of interest. We want you to leave with clear steps and plenty of confidence.
1. Balanced, Unified Community
We believe the best outcomes come from the most diverse, balanced, high functioning teams. Our team includes experts representing academia, industry, and government from various locations around the world. Our top cryptographers debate points of view and ways of implementing solutions so we reach the optimal solution. We do the heavy lifting, so you don’t have to.
2. Universal Tools
It makes sense to use the most-used tools, right? We integrate the most common tools into our processes and infrastructure like GitHub and Markdown. You don’t have to know them to use our site, but if you are not already familiar with them and would like to know more, we have resources to get you started.
3. Standardization: Organizational Structure and Personas
We know content must be organized logically and flexibly so you can get what you need fast. We have a multi-tiered structured so you can do just that - find exactly what you need, just when you need it. We have also defined three personas: Software Developer, IT Professional, and Manager because we know each role has different needs when it comes to security.
Have an idea for improvement? We would love to hear it! Go here then type in a Title
, fill out the rest of the form, then click the Submit new issue
Crypto Done Right is a non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible up to the maximum allowed by law.
Our mailing address is: 10900 Research Blvd STE 160C 205, Austin, TX 78759